„NACHTFEDER“ was created by the choreographic duo Léa Thomen (FR) and Linda Pilar Brodhag (DE). Together with Lola Villegas Fragoso (MX), they performed on the live music of Antoine Arlot (FR). Three Women drunk with solitude such as prisoners of ancestral history, thirsty from dissatisfied desires, cherished together an unique way of expression: Dancetheater. Between humour and raw postures, the choreographic archaeology plunges us into the depth of the internal night. This approach via improvisation suggests not to assert archetypes but to question them. Out of this abyss appears colours of utopias, gestures of women, body and reality.
Conception and Choreography:
Léa Thomen and Linda Pilar Brodhag
Léa Thomen, Linda Pilar Brodhag, Lola Villegas Fragoso
Antoine Arlot
Setdesign and Costumes:
Xavier and Marie Thomen
Olivier Irthum
ca. 50 Min